Who The Hell Is Brian Edward Tucker?

I am Brian Edward Tucker, a process-oriented artist living in Monterey, California.  I find that my artwork is focused more on the process of creating something than it is about the final product.  I am obsessed with understanding how things are made and how things work.  What makes things go together and how can I make things work better.  I imagine this is a product of spending the so much of my childhood playing with LEGOs.  I love the process and the art of making something.  I value craft just as much as I value creativity,  for one without the other is nothing.  I have a Bachelors in Fine Arts from Maine College of Art in Portland, Maine.  My major was Print Making.  Print is a forum where I can exist as a creative thinker, a craftsman and a problem solver.  My current work is based in screen printing, however I also spend a good amount of my time and energy working in oil paint, traditional pin-striping and lettering, photography, construction, and wrenching on old VW's.  Oh, and I still ride a bicycle like a little kid.